Tricks For Your Email

email tricks

As we told you in our home page we want to offer you as much value and as many tips as we can when it comes to data and email loss and how to fully utilize your email. There are so many different applications, tricks and extensions for your email. We want to share with you two that we use almost every day. Google them and pull up their sites for more info. Here they are:

Banana Tag

This feature is so awesome to have with email. What it does is it tracks your email. So when you send out an email and someone opens it, banana tag will email you back notifying you that your sent email was just opened by the recipient. If you included some sort of clickable link within your email, this tool will also notify you when the recipient clicks the link. This is a great tool for many concepts especially sales. If your potential client isn’t opening your emails then it is acceptable for you to keep sending them. If they open it then you know you can call them to follow up shortly after.


This is an application that allows you to create snippets for your email. What that means is you can type out a message and whenever you want to send it to someone, just click a little icon and it will auto fill text within your email. This is a fantastic feature if you are in business or a large group and sending the same email over and over again.

We hope you take a look at these two applications and put them to use. We did not create these, we are merely trying to provide you with great value and information. For more tricks, tips and info stay tuned into our blog! Also, if you are unfamiliar with us, take a look at who we are on our main page! Have a great rest of you day everyone!


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To some, our software may sound exciting and easy to use. To others, it may sound interesting but really confusing. Well for those of you who are unsure if you could use our software on your own, don’t worry! We have your back!

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